Frequently Asked Questions

Phoenix: 800 W Washington St, Phoenix AZ 85007 - Phone: (602) 542-4411
Tucson: 2675 East Broadway, Tucson AZ 85716 - Phone: (520) 628-5188 (ALJ)

Phone List of ICA Divisions

The Industrial Commission of Arizona provides several sets of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) dealing with workers' compensation, labor laws, hearings, workplace safety, health, and other matters.

Click on a link below to access FAQs of interest to you.

FAQs about the Physicians' & Pharmaceutical Fee Schedule

FAQs about the Official Disability Guidelines (ODG)

FAQs about ALJ Hearings for Unrepresented Workers (English)

FAQs sobre ALJ Audiencias de los trabajadores que son menos representados (Español)

FAQs about Final Settlement of Future Undisputed Supportive Medical Maintenance Benefits Under the Arizona Workers' Compensation Act

FAQs about Occupational Safety & Health (OSHA/ADOSH)

FAQs about ALJ OSHA Hearings for Unrepresented Workers

FAQs about Workers' Compensation for Employers (PDF brochure)

FAQs about Wage and Earned Paid Sick Time Laws

FAQs about Youth Employment Laws

FAQs about Wage Claims

FAQs about Wage Payment Laws

FAQs about Significant Work Exposure to Bodily Fluids . . .

FAQs about Self-Insurance (includes requirements for and benefits of being self-insured)

Video: A Guide to Workers' Compensation Hearings

Vídeo: Una guía sobre las audiencias de compensación para trabajadores

There are many brochures and documents available that provide additional information about the Industrial Commission's areas of responsibility and its services. These are accessible by hovering over "Our Organization" at the top of the main homepage menu and then clicking one of the divisions of the Industrial Commission that appear in a submenu to the right.