Fee Schedule Corrections & Changes Log - 2014

Arizona Physicians' & Pharmaceutical Fee Schedule - Corrections & Changes Log
2014 Fee Schedule

12/15/2014 It has come to the Commission’s attention that the reimbursement values for the following codes, which were added as new codes to the 2014 fee schedule, were entered incorrectly into the “New Procedure Codes Values” table reviewed and approved by the Commission. These affected codes are medicine codes, and include psychiatry, gastroenterology, cardiovascular, allergy and neurology codes. On December 11, 2014, the Commission approved the corrected reimbursement values. The fee schedule has been updated to reflect the corrected values for the affected codes. The affected codes are:

*90785, 90791, 90792, 90832, *90833, 90834, *90836, 90837, *90838, 90839, *90840, *90863, 91112, 92920, *92921, 92924, *92925, 92928, *92929, 92933, *92934, 92937, *92938, 92941, 92943, *92944, 93653, 93654, *93655, 93656, *93657, 95017, 95018, 95076, *95079, 95782, 95783, 95907, 95908, 95909, 95910, 95911, 95912, 95913, 95924, *95940, *95941

The Commission has also corrected a typographical error regarding the reimbursement value for Surgery code 33368. This value has been corrected to $1900.64.

Get Corrected Fee Schedule: These corrections have been incorporated into the downloadable Fee Schedule files. To obtain all or individual sections of the 2014 Fee Schedule with these updates, go here and follow instructions to download desired document(s).

Get the Fee Schedule Page Containing Corrected Surgery Code: If you maintain a paper copy of the 2014 Fee Schedule, you may obtain the actual FS page from the Surgery section in PDF format that contains the corrected code as follows: 2014 FS - Surgery Section - Page 86
9/23/2014 It has come to the Commission's attention that the 2014 Physicians' Fee Schedule contains the following typographical error in the Surgery section: Code 24371 is incorrectly listed as 23471. This error has been corrected in the downloadable Excel spreadsheet of the 2014 Fee Schedule and the Surgery Codes PDF.

Get Corrected Fee Schedule: To obtain all or part of the 2014 Fee Schedule updated to include this correction, go here and follow instructions to download desired document(s).

Get the Fee Schedule Page Containing Corrected Codes: If you maintain a paper copy of the 2014 Fee Schedule, you may obtain the actual FS page from the Surgery section in PDF format that contains the corrected code as follows: 2014 FS - Surgery Section - Page 29